Custom wallpaper designed by KSJ, a local artist specialising in water-colour artwork to suit any space in your home.
You can select from established designs or have something bespoke made.
PVC-Free Wallpaper is the most eco-friendly and recyclable permanent wall graphic product available on the market, and is suitable for both permanent or short-term indoor wall graphics.
The wallpaper stock is printed with HP Eco-friendly UV Latex ink, and infused with glue on the backside which is activated when sprayed with water, for easy, mess-free installation.
The wallpaper is non-toxic and is US Greenguard Certified, suitable for use in the home and hospitals, childcare centres and the hospitality industry.
As a guide, the cost is $267 per square metre. That includes design, print and install. The price listed is for the wallpaper design on display at PFS.